
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:25:20 +0100 jcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I used cfdisk and I'm sure that I allocated whole disk (I just deleted
> remaining partition and created new one and just confirm size, because
> it should take whole disk, and even if not, it souldn't create new
> partition on empty disk beyond some other 'non-existing' partition so
> I'm sure I made a good job of it) and saved changes (it prompted me
> for writing new partition table). I haven't any /dev/sdb2,
> just /dev/sdb1. It seems it is really bad situation for me :(.

No, it probably isn't.
In order to be sure next time, do a "cat /proc/partitions" after using
fdisk. That will show what the kernel thinks your partition layout is.

>       So for future is there any way to log more detailed info
> about these things (besides info about creating ext3 partition even
> info about size of this partition)?

Just backup your partition table next time. That will cost only about
512 Byte (actually, less than that) and save you some stress.

>       Should I run 'hdparm -z' after creating new patition in
> future?

Or reboot/kexec. Or use a similar functionality built into fdisk.

>       And because I don't want to tease you any more, please give
> me some last solution what shoudl I do (forlorn hope).

I did already in my last answer. Extract that partition (i.e. copy it
onto another drive) or try to recreate a valid partition table. Gpart
told you where the partition is hiding.

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