Fei Liu wrote:
Jakob Buchgraber wrote:
Fei Liu wrote:
Hello, I was going to install 'webalizer' (apache monitoring software) by 'emerge -kv webalizer', I got the following error:

!!! ERROR: app-admin/webalizer-2.01.10-r12 failed.
Call stack:
 ebuild.sh, line 1555:   Called dyn_setup
 ebuild.sh, line 668:   Called pkg_setup
 webalizer-2.01.10-r12.ebuild, line 45:   Called die

!!! recompile gd with USE="png"
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.

I tried to do 'USE="png" emerge -update gd', and I got a scary list of package ebuilds:
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/gd-2.0.33  USE="png*"
[ebuild  N    ]  media-libs/freetype-2.1.10-r2
[ebuild  N    ]  media-libs/libpng-1.2.12
[ebuild  N    ]  sys-devel/libtool-1.5.22

What should I do in this case? How exactly should I update my 'gd' package? Sorry, I am still new to the emerge system.

You should add "png" to /etc/make.conf or /etc/portage/package.use and then reemerge gd lib (emerge --newuse gd).

Hi Jay, thank you, please see my other thread, I used 'USE="png" emerge -kv gd' to fix this problem. But it's good to learn the --newuse flag. Do you know what I should do to remove all the cached source code packages?


See my e-mail or "Boyed Stephen Smith Jr.'s mail". Don't use USE="blabla" emerge package or ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="..", because these settings are just temporary and when will only be applied to this one emerge.

I haven't used -k (--usepkg) yet however the man page tells me that -k means, that precompiled packages should be used. So your USE flag does not take any effect.

Btw.: You shouldn't say that this problem is fixed as you just have used something precompiled and preconfigured. You should better digg deeper into emerge and USE flags. Otherwise you will never understand portage which is _essential_ for understanding and using Gentoo Linux. This is just and advice...

Best Regards Jay
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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