On Sat, 03 Feb 2007 09:26:22 +0300, Richard Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi - After a last emerge --sync I've been having trouble accessing the internet. My network interface comes up OK. I receive an address for the DHCP server (i.e. "eth1 received address") and I can see and access my Intranet webpage on 192.168.0.xx and copy files to and from various machines.

However if trying to access the Internet I keep getting "unknown host" when pinging sites I know will respond. My machine dual boots into XP and runs fine.

I've checked the Gentoo handbook and config files and confirmed my network config files look OK (they seem to). Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Thanks, Richard

Does your resolve.conf start with "# Generated by net-scripts for interface"? If yes, then check /etc/conf.d/net for something like

dns_servers_eth0=( "" )

Andrei Gerasimenko

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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