On Thursday 08 February 2007 20:08:58 Mike Edenfield wrote:
> For the past several weeks I have been having a recurring problem with
> portage's metadata cache after a sync.  The problem is reproduceable
> 100% of the time now, so either I have something configured wrong or
> there's actually a problem with the portage mirrors:
> The problem is easily fixed by removing the cache and forcing emerge to
> rebuild it, but the next time I sync the corruption returns:
> gentoo portage # emerge --sync
>    File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/cache/flat_hash.py", line 47, in _pull
>      raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e)
> cache.cache_errors.CacheCorruption:
> app-accessibility/SphinxTrain-0.9.1-r1 is corrupt: dictionary update
> sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
> gentoo portage # rm -rf /usr/portage/metadata/cache/
> gentoo portage # emerge --metadata

# rm -rf /var/cache/edb/dep && emerge --metadata


Bo Andresen

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