Hi Michal,

Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:
> Hello,
> This is just a shot, but it helped me few problems. Could you try
> setting up a new user account and try it there? If it works there, it is
> because of some problem with your personal settings (not that it would
> excuse it to behave this way, but may help find some way out of the
> problem before it's fixed)
Thank you very much for the quick answer. Unfortunately, that did not do the 
job. But your post gave me an idea: one after another I added my user to all 
the groups that root is in (eventually including group "root"). Even then it 
does not work. So, if I my assumption (that it is a permission problem) is 
correct, it should be some file which is owned by root and can only be 
accessed by the user root, shouldn't it?

BTW: here's the "final message" from the program after I have killed it ("line 
254" is always the same. However, the 4digit number following it changes):

 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice: line 254:  3837 
Killed                 "$sd_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"

Maybe that might give someone an idea.
Kindest regards,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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