On Thursday 15 February 2007, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > I think there is nothing bad in this. At least you know:
> > - the bug you are reporting is already known
> > - some dev has seen it repeteadly, and repetitia iuvant*
> >
> > *"Repeating helps", for the non-Latin speakers :)
> Except that it generates extra work for maintainers who have to
> mark the reported bug as a duplicate.  If you've tripped over a
> bug that's already been reported, perhaps adding a comment
> (including how you triggered the bug) to an existing bug is
> probably more productive.

There's an upside as well though. If many people keep reporting the same 
bug in different ways, it tells themaintainer that the bug is higher 
priority. If a bug is reported only once, and everyone else that runs 
into it sees this bug report, and doesn't report their experience, then 
the maintainer doesn't know about these users. So he/she might consider 
the bug to be less important, and that would be wrong.

Good maintainers consider users to be like customers and sometimes they 
do get annoyed with many dup bugs. But usually they want reports and 
it's no big deal or effort actually to mark a bug as a dup.


Optimists say the glass is half full,
Pessimists say the glass is half empty,
Developers say wtf is the glass twice as big as it needs to be?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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