On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 19:29:54 +0100
Jakob Buchgraber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > does someone know, how to increase the "history-buffer's size" of
> > the terminal? 

> > How can I make the history buffer larger, or - if possible - set it
> >  infinitely large. (Just as the "Konsole" of KDE.)
> To make it "infinitely" large you can set the variable HISTSIZE to
> some huge value like
> export HISTSIZE=1000000000000
Isn't that for bash's command history?  I'm pretty sure it is.  What
you want, Roman, is a kernel parameter:
Device Drivers---> 
        Graphics support---> 
                Console display driver support--->
                        --- VGA text console
                        [ ]   Enable Scrollback Buffer in System RAM
                        (64)    Scrollback Buffer Size (in KB) (NEW)
As the help says, "Each 64KB will give you approximately 16 80x25
screenfuls of scrollback buffer."  This is the buffer accessed by
pressing Shift+PgUp at the console.  
> > Another inconvenient thing is that the buffer seems to "forget"
> > everything except the last screen of text, if I switch to another
> > terminal. (alt + F2 for instance).
Each console probably has its own buffer, doesn't it?  Just like
different terminals or different xterm windows?  

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