Roman Naumann wrote:
> Hi, please forgive this most probably very simple question, but I cannot find
> the correct configuration file to enable routing...
> I have two PCs, one HAS a internet connection to the internet-proxy, the
>  other one hasn't.
> The internet-pc (and I do not mean the proxy-pc) has two ethernet devices,
>  ra0 and eth0.
> eth0 connects it with the non-internet pc.
> I set up a route to the internet-proxy-px on the internet-pc and it works
>  fine on it, but the the non-internet pc can't use it!
> Even though the non-internet pc has it's default gw set to the eth0 ip of the
> internet pc.
> Thanks for your help.


I'm not quite clear on your configuration. What sort of device is the
internet-proxy? Is it a NAT router, or something else? Are all three
devices in the same subnet? It sounds like you're either trying to work
around not having a hub, or not having a NAT device.


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