Emerge sys-apps/hwinfo-13.0 fails, missing function
"dbus_connection_disconnect" ( should be in sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2 ?)

I'm not really a C programmer but I tried replacing "disconnect" with
"close" in that one call from hal.c in hwinfo. That makes it compile ok,
but running it makes dbus complain that I'm not allowed to close a
shared connection.

The most logical explanation AFAICT is that this version of hwinfo
expects some other version of dbus. Anybody have any hints ?

Coming from SuSE I'm sort-of lost when I don't have hwinfo, I go there
all the time to double-check what drivers I should use for disks, X
(drm) and all manner of other things.

The obvious replacement for "hwinfo --cpu" is "cat /proc/cpuinfo", but
for the other stuff I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark...

Håkon Alstadheim        tlf: 74 82 60 27 mob: 47 35 39 38
7510 Skatval

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