On Tuesday 20 February 2007, Dale wrote:
> > Use the Live CD if you want to get a working machine quickly. If
> > watching gcc output scroll off the screen turns you on (it does for
> > most of us around here....) then use the minimal by all means.
> >  
> This is true.  Gentoo updates pretty fast.  A lot quicker than most.
> That can be good but it can be bad too.  Just try to sync up as soon
> as you can.  No need installing something just to update it again in
> a little bit.

That reminds me of an interesting exercise I went though sometime last 

Hauled out my trusty 2005.0 minimal disk and let her rip on this very 
notebook. Set up my usual flags etc etc and let it compile. The thing 
is, it escaped my notice that the machine was offline and it was using 
the portage tree and  the sources from the CD. I think it was a Friday 
and the pub upstairs was beckoning...

On Monday morning I went to work and did the usual

emerge --sync
emerge -avuNDt world



Optimists say the glass is half full,
Pessimists say the glass is half empty,
Developers say wtf is the glass twice as big as it needs to be?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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