>> I put evolution in /etc/portage/profile/package.provided.
>> Then portage assumes, that it is installed ba hand and therefor it's not
>> installed installed automatically.
>> Unfortunatly, you still have to install eveolution-data-server and
>> evolution-webcal, because it's a hard-dependency of some other
>> gnome-package.
> I thought an -eds USE flag will keep evolution-data-server from being
> installed?

There is a gnome-package, that doesn't compile without
evolution-data-server (I forgot the name, unfortunatly).
So evolution-data-server must to be installed.

Anyway: with the eds-useflag, you can ONLY disable the build of
evolution-data-server-related features of certain packages.
Even if you disable it, there may be packages, that don't recognize the
use-flag and have a hard dependency on evolution-data-server.

These packages need evolution-data-server for being compiled. There is
no way around this! The gentoo-guys can do nothing about it.

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