
On Tuesday 20 February 2007 15:46, James wrote:
> Peter Lewis <prlewis <at> letterboxes.org> writes:
> > No, I didn't mean it as a criticism anyway. I just find that it helps to
> > assume the best on mailing lists. It all helps for a happy community.
> Dear Pompous Jerks:

Are you including me in that?

If you read what I wrote, you will find that I was indeed advocating the use 
of the mailing list for people to ask for advice / experiences, rather than 
flaming someone for not using Google.

I too am surprised by the lack of civility on this and other Gentoo mailing 
lists sometimes. This is something which can only put people off asking for 
help on them.

> The arrogance of these responses is astounding. Does anyone believe
> in civility any more?
> If google is so wonderful, and all of the aforementioned geniuses
> so bright, how did you guys miss the most glaring response of all?
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/embedded/gnap-userguide.xml

Quite. I know very little about the topic which the OP was asking about, 
Gentoo solutions or otherwise. I was merely defending the guy's right to ask 
the question without being shot down for "being lazy".

> After all, since he asked on a gentoo list, might we not all assume
> that he's inquiring about a gentoo_ish solution, without explicit
> statement thereof?
> You guys should be ashamed of your behavior. Just because somebody
> does not write a politically correct question, does not mean
> they don't need help. If you are not will to *HELP* then just
> ignore the email...... 

I could not agree more.

> Besides, Gentoo's greatest strength is 
> the help the community provides to one another. Do you think this
> guy is now going to go to his friends and say "hey checkout this
> firewall I found and set up with the help of the gentoo community?"

Like I said, I think this list could be a LOT friendlier. Just because someone 
is a Gentoo user does not mean that we can assume all sorts of knowledge and 
skills. They may well just be curious or like the thing.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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