On Wednesday 21 February 2007 01:39:02 pm Albert Hopkins wrote:
> Today 01:39:02 pm
> On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 17:58 +0000, Nelson, David (ED, PAR&D) wrote:
> [...]
> > I hate to be a nasty evil person and say this, but I will anyway - this
> > has no place on a Gentoo mailing list IMO. Post it in the off topic
> > section of the Gentoo forums I guess but posting these on a mailing list
> > is pretty much spam.
> To the contrary, I think that the OP has a lot to do with Gentoo and
> Linux in general.
> You see every day, like the poor Japanese Dolphins, countless numbers of
> cows are murdered every day.  They are slaughtered, cut up, ground into
> little bits, you name it, all in the name of greed (both in terms of
> money and food).  These innocent little souls are brought to an early
> death so that some may enjoy a half pound greasy burger or perhaps a 12
> oz. prime rib (with grilled onions, mashed potatoes, and cream corn on
> the side).  Like our Rising Sun Flipper, we must do something to stop
> the bovine genocide. Remember that our mascot and transgendered
> spiritual leader, Larry, is a cow, and therefore shares the same risk to
> his life as Willy or Bessie.
> And if they can go after dolphins and cows, then can penguins be next?
> Could little Tux's life be in danger as well?
> These are the things every (Gentoo) Linux user should be concerned
> about. Kudos to the OP for bringing this important issue to our
> attention!
Mmmm.... roasted penguin...

Jerry McBride
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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