>> I wonder if I need more power on the machine running the apps instead
>> of more bandwidth.  It has 512MB and I do need to upgrade that, but it
>> feels like a bandwidth problem when I'm running vmware via
>> X-Forwarding.
> Could be bandwidth.

More likely it's latency.  Most "modern" X apps seem to require
a lot of round-trips between client and server.  The latency of
a Wifi link is probably 10-100X that of a wired Ethernet link,
even if the bandwidth is the same:  A 54M Wifi link may
actually have more bandwidth than a 10M wired Ethernet link,
but the lower latancy of the wired link will result in
better performance for some classes of applications.

Do you think vnc or nx would be a significant improvement over x-forwarding?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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