On Tuesday 06 February 2007 21:29, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
> Hi List,

Hi Michael,

Good to see yoou on the Gentoo list! :-)

> I have a very strange thing here. I don't know when this started, but my
> feeling is, that it was around kernel 2.6.15 and it's getting worse with
> each version.
> From time to time my system comes to a complete halt, that means not a
> single application shows any response to mouse and/or keyactions, sshing
> into it takes forever. After a while (up to ~30s ) normal reaction is back
> again. Strange thing is, there is no activity at the times this happens.
> Reading email and browsing the web is all that is needed. CPU is at 3-5%
> according to top, mem has ~1GB free according to free.
> I can somehow force this behaviour by doing some harddisc io, eg untaring a
> kernel-tarball. But it does not happen everytime I do this.
> This is really, really annoying. I have no idea, if this is a kernel, a FS
> or any other issue. Any help with this is most welcome.
> Some additional info: fs is xfs, kernel is 2.6.19-gentoo-r4 and I'm a
> KDE-User, but this also happens with xfce4 ;)

I had this problem back with older 2.6 kernels and the problem turned out to 
be caused by XFS.
XFS is not a good choice for a desktop, as for my experience.
I bet the problem will be gone once you switch to ReiserFS or ext3.

> Thanks,
> Michael

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