Yes it's pointing to the correct kernel source - Thanks

I recompiled my kernel and modprobe rt61 worked. I now have an interface that come up called ra0.

The following worked for me:

Added rt61 to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6

# ln -s net.lo net.ra0

I edited /etc/conf.d/net
modules= ( "iwconfig" )
config_rao=( "null" )

# rc-update add net.ra0 default

Set ra0 to "null" because ra0 won't come up as dhcpc until configured.

# /etc/init.d/net.rao start
# iwlist ra0 scanning
gave me channel and essid to use

I created a script /root/scripts/
iwlist ra0 scanning
iwconfig ra0 essid [essid]
iwconfig ra0 channel 11
dhcpcd ra0

Added /root/scripts/ to /etc/conf.d/local.start

Everything comes up no on boot.

Thank you everybody
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