On Sunday 25 February 2007, Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] Re: xfce4 upgrade':
> And please stop top-posting (shamelessly copied from one of Boyd's
> posts..):

I shamelessly copied it from someone else [*], so I don't really deserve 
the credit.  I thought it was one of the Neils that first posted it (at 
least to the gentoo-* lists).

> A: It reverses the reading order of the conversation.
> Q: Why's top-posting so bad?
> A: Top-posting and insufficient quote trimming.
> Q: What's the most annoying thing on mailing lists and USENET?

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     
New GPG Key!  Old key expires 2007-03-25.  Upgrade NOW!

[*] Well, I actually retype it each time so it changes a bit... I'm still 
searching for the optimal wording.

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