On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 22:12:49 +0100
Christoph Nodes wrote:

> Dear gentoo users,
> since a few months I am getting core dumps in / and $HOME/ on my
> notebook. I am not aware of having changed anything with my PAM or
> similar settings. Has there be any changes to the default policy in
> PAM concerning core dumps?
> I would like to suppress the generation of core dumps for normal
> users.
> ulimit -c as normal user gives me 976 block as root I get 0. I know
> that setting ulimit -c 0 in .bash_profile or .profile could be a
> solution but I'm looking for a more appropriate way to avoid core
> dumps for normal users.
> I already read http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/backtraces.xml but the
> information there seems to be somehow outdated since I don't have a
> /etc/limits.conf only a /etc/limits. But AFAIK this ought to be
> irrelevant for me as I am using PAM?
> Anyhow, I did not change anything to /etc/security/limits.conf or
> /etc/limits, i.e. everything in these files is commented out. I also
> checked /etc/conf.d/rc and it seems to be ok.
> So how can I get rid of these core dumps?
> I am using sys-libs/pam-0.78-r5.
> Some more general information about my system:
> # emerge --version
> Portage 2.1.2-r9 (default-linux/x86/2006.1, gcc-4.1.1, glibc-2.5-r0,
> 2.6.19-ck2-r1 i686)
> What else?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Christoph

As best I know, it's the ulimit setting that's relevant and pam is not
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