On Sun, 2007-02-25 at 17:15 -0500, Willie Wong wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 01:35:33PM -0700, Penguin Lover Korthrun squawked:
> > Iceweasel for life.
> Getting a bit off topic here...

what is a topic for, if not for getting "off"?!

> But IceWeasel to me means something like "Distant third cousin with
> some contradictory philosophy" to FireFox, like, say, Galeon or
> Kazehakase. 

I agree.  What the hell is Bon Echo to someone who barely knows what
firefox is?!

> I prefer something like FlameCanid that more properly expresses the
> fact that "ours" is almost-exactly-but-not-quite-perfectly-the-same. 

or Flamefox? or Hotfox, or Earthcat or Plasmadonkey, or Iceweasel... oh,
we ruled out that one...

but something that won't change with new firefox releases is a good

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

In Seattle, Washington, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that
is over six feet in length.

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