> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Kirkwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 26 February 2007 05:45
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] off topic : Dolphin massacre in Japan
> Agg wrote:
> > on 02/26/2007 12:58 AM Mark Kirkwood wrote the following:
> >> No - I meant spam...
> > off-topic in this particular case
> At last we agree - your spam is off-topic :-).
> On a more serious note, I've added both your email addresses to my 
> "delete immediately" filter.
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Please for the love of God/Dolphins/Deity of Choice/Science can we just leave 
Agg to his arrogance and self-righteousness, add his email address to your 
spamfilter or someone boot him off the list and stop going on about it. He 
obviously wont learn and I'm beginning to get annoyed with this topic appearing 
in my inbox several days after the spammer spammed and was suitably chastised 
for it.

David "I get enough crap in my email as it is" Nelson


I do not represent anyone else in emails I send to this list.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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