
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 09:07:23PM +0100, Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
> On Saturday 03 March 2007 20:39:01 Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:
> > But there may be situations where this possibility could be used in some
> > other ways. You may want nostrip for few packages only (need of debug
> > symbols, and you do not want to have them for the whole system), or the
> > make check fails for one package you critically need just now and have
> > no other choice than to use it anyway.
> >
> > In my opinion, it should be possible to configure all the variables
> > according to the package name.
> The cases you've mentioned here (nostrip, splitdebug, test) are handled on 
> the 
> bash side of portage which means disabling them in /etc/portage/bashrc on a 
> per package basis (or in /etc/portage/env/*) is possible.

Ups, seems like I overlooked this nice file at all. It seems to be a
really powerful tool :-). Sorry for not reading properly enough.

> FEATURES=userpriv, however, is handled on the python side and hence that 
> won't 
> work. In order to persuade someone to change this you'll probably need a 
> better use case than -userpriv which ultimately should be either fixed or 
> restricted in the ebuild.

You are probably right. And no one will want to add some odd file that
could configure any arbitrary variable according to a package just
because it would look cool and would be consistent :D. (Or maybe it can
be partly created by the bashrc thingie)

Anyway, thank you very much. At last, I know a bit more now, and won't
waste my time hacking something portage probably already has.

Work with computer has 2 phases. First, computer waits for the user to tell it 
to do, then the user waits for the computer to do it. Therefore, computer work 
consists mostly of waiting.

Michal "vorner" Vaner

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