On Tuesday 06 March 2007, Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: 
[gentoo-user] quick kmail question':
> On Monday 05 March 2007 20:43:03 Matthew R. Lee wrote:
> > However I have it set in my Konqueror configuration to "Open as tab in
> > existing Konqueror when URL is called externally"
> Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure Konqueror
> Web Behaviour -> Advanced Options
> Select "Open as tab in existing Konqeuror when URL is called
> externally".

Hrm, maybe it would be best if you read the email before replying to it?

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     
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