Dale wrote:
> OK.  Here's my update.  I changed the config file, the 50-udev.rules
> file, back to the way it was when it was updated.  I then added myself
> to the uucp group and rebooted.  Well, my UPS didn't like that one
> bit.  So I added nut to the uucp group too.  Then I rebooted again. 
> Everything *appears* to be working fine.  Sorry for all the rebooting
> but they are serial ports. 
> Why did I decide to go and do all this right now.  Here is the funny
> part.  Kppp could access the modem, it could tell it to dial out, it
> could connect, even get the DNS servers, but it was NOT going to send
> data or accept data like it should.  It was like spitting on a four
> alarm fire.  It would send some but it was just a little bit at a
> time.  Kopete worked fine though.  Go figure.  All that was run as a
> normal user.  To test that this was permission related, I opened a
> root Konsole and used wvdial to connect with.  The pages loaded like
> they should when connected that way.  I knew then it was either Kppp
> or I still had some lingering permission issues.  I suspected the later.
> Lesson of all this, watch those udev updates.  They may work 99% of
> the time but that 1% can drive you nuts.
> All this because my power went out for about 2 hours.  Maybe I need a
> bigger UPS.  ;-)
> Thanks for all the help.
> Dale
> :D :D :D :D :D
> -- 
> www.myspace.com/dalek1967

One more little update.  After a while I starting seeing the same thing
again.  I then remerged Kppp and it has been working for a while now. 
I'm not sure what change that would have made though.  Just thought I
would mention it in case someone else has the same issue.


:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)


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