> I would check overlay setup and also try `emerge 
> =exact-group/exact-package-2.18.whatever` i.e. specify the 
> specific ebuild you wish to emerge? I have used overlays 
> before for xgl and for init-ng but both were a few months ago 
> so please feel free to correct me if I am missing something.

I'm not interested in doing any kind of fancy-shmancy installation.

I'm trying to run near stable as possible. In fact, I've recently deleted my
package.keywords file so that I can migrate all the ~x86 packages to x86 as
they come in line (i.e. "U", not "D")

I find it interesting that 2.18 doesn't even have a ~x86 version listed

Was someone sleeping on the job ;-) or is it somehow more complicated than
the previous 2.16 (and prior) releases to add to portage?

Honestly, I use KDE vs. Gnome, but I'm always wanting to see what new groovy
stuff Gnome has. And in this particular case, my Gnome is somehow horked.
Some $hit about "bonobo" or some other uselessly-named library/program that
means nothing to me. So I was hoping to "solve" that by just re-emerging
'gnome' and getting the 2.18 -- since it's gonna take a few days to emerge
anyways. I've tried to emerge 'gnome' but it doesn't seem to fix the
problem, and I don't care all that much anyways. Although my fonts in KDE
are sorta screwed for things like FireFox that rely upon some

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