On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 01:08:24AM -0400, Penguin Lover Willie Wong squawked:
> The root partition on my laptop just crapped out today. The kernel
> logs report a problem with reiserfs. Reiserfsck suggests
> --rebuild-tree, which AFAICT has a rather non-zero failure rate. So I
> am getting myself mentally prepped for the perhaps necessary
> re-install. 
> I would appreciate greatly if people can offer me some advice/caveats
> of any sort with regards to my plan. 

Let me be slightly more concrete. I plan to:

download a stage3 tar ball
unroll the tar ball on my ex-root partition
(follow the handbook)
emerge --sync
copy over my /etc from my backups
rebuild toolchain
mount my /var partition
emerge -e world

Is there any obvious flaws in that?

I have a speech impediment... my foot.
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