Hi lugs, 

Sorry for the cryptic headline but wanted to keep the suspense; sorry for 
crossposting too but this is important!

/Dell has announced it WILL be shipping preinstalled Desktop Linux on certain 
machines, desktop and laptop/ - more details will follow later.

Happily, it seems that "[s]urvey respondents indicated that improved hardware 
support for Linux is as important as the distribution(s) offered".

So, don't expect to see your favourite distribution on a Dell Linux laptop 
anytime soon - unless it's Ubuntu ;-) - but hey, IT'S LINUX.

Unfortunately, as stated above there are no more details as yet but they will 
be making more announcements in the coming weeks.

UPDATE: just had to add "preinstalled" to Kmail's dictionary! (Oh, and Ubuntu 
- never mind ;-) ) <does a little dance>.

OK, silly season over, get back to work ;-)

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