
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 14:38:41 -0400 Willie Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So, most likely the OP was typing something/anything that gave him a
> empty prompt without hitting a newline (hitting ^C, ^Z on a running
> program or just on the shell, typing something and hitting backspace
> to delete it...)
> Incidentally, you shouldn't need to hit the newline before the
> disconnect occurs. The minute you actually see the ~ appear on the
> screen you should know that it is not being interpreted as an escape
> character. 

Just to add to the overall confusion: In many cases for non-american
keyboard layouts, "~" is configured as "dead key" in X (in order to
type things like "ñ" and such). For a "~", you effectively have to type
"~",<SPACE>. So my series of keystrokes is almost always:
<CR>,"~",<SPACE>,".". But I only need that when the connection dies,
otherwise I still prefer <CTRL>-D.

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