
I created a livecd with some server and other applications:
mysql, postgresql, dovecot, postfix, sendmail, mailman, apache,
webalizer, php, perl, cvs, ftp, subversion, webmin, virtualmin(gpl),
spammassism, clamav, samba etc.
X is not installed (yet).
It is i686 optimized (via 'march' option).

It is ready to install from CD to harddisk, like an install livecd.
It is based on portage snapshot made on 1st of April.

I can make a package list, USE flag list, some beautification, some
additional documents etc.

I used catalyst (thank you for this great tool :) for making this

If anybody interesting about it, I can share it.

Details later. 
I also created stage1, stage2, stage3 for i686, based on 2006.1 profile.

Please remember, this is not an official gentoo release, and it is not
yet published.

Any comment are welcome :)

Nyílt forráskód azokra az igazán nehéz napokra. BSA
Open source for those really hard days. BSA

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