> On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 05:19:09PM +0100, Nelson, David J wrote:
>> Do we want a UNIX standard? A linux standard? A Gentoo standard? A lowest
>> common denominator standard? A "what most people prefer" standard?
> I am not talking about which colors to use, which is a personal
> preference and can have no standard.

Yes, you are talking about that.

> I am talking about the most 
> basic principles, that all programs behave the same and can be enabled
> or disabled in the same way.

That's not true.

> When gentoo unilaterally decides to do 
> the opposite, it sticks out like a sore thumb.  The proper way to add
> color to emerge and its affiliates would have been with an alias, as
> it does with ls, not by adding hard coded escape chars to messages,
> nor by defaulting to color enabled and adding untested non-functional
> control features to disable it.

Well, as said before: Chaning to a black/white color theme would probably
create quite some uproar now. IMO it's simply too late to change that.
BTW: I also don't see a need for changing the default.

> There are programming standards too.  They include, at the most basic
> level, testing new features to make sure they actually work

That's what ~x86 (or any other arch) is there for. I guess nobody
found a problem, so it made its way to stable tree.

> When there's an upgrade to the basic commands, like /bin/ls, it is
> only reasonable to assume it is a useful upgrade.  

In how far is /bin/ls critical for booting the system? And why
do you blame other people for your faults?

> numbers, simply do not listen to old farts who file bug reports.  This

Fine. Then don't file a bug report. And also do NOT complain, because
not filing a bug report means, that everything is fine.

> has been from years of experience with coworkers and with mailing
> lists.

Are you always like this? Maybe it's the way you approach people, that
they do not want to listen to you.

> My rant here has been to let off steam.  I am not going to waste time
> filing a bug report 

Fine. Then don't complain. Or rather: Complain about the failures
YOU do, like not compiling ls statically, like not filing bug
reports, etc.pp..

Alexander Skwar

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