[This is a followup to the whole thread, not any particular posting]

Something interesting just happened to me that I would like to share.

I realized that I have a program called usetool that I must have
installed some time. What is that i thought, so my first try to find
out was to try 'man usetool'.  ...No manpage.

Ok, next try, 'usetool -h' ...Good it has documentation, unfortunately
the coloring made it unreadable, but with a lot of effort and
eye-strain I could at least see that it has the -nc option.

Ok, next try, 'usetool -nc -h' ...Dissapointment, still unreadable!

I just wanted to let you know since it has relevance in this
quarrel. I realize that the correct way to report this is to the
bugzilla, and I will do that.


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