On Sunday 15 April 2007 15:31, Jarry wrote:

> I had the similar experience: tried to install 2006.1 on new mobo,
> but sata controller could not be recognised (some via chpiset iirc).


> Had to buy extra some p-ata drive, install gentoo on it,
> update kernel, then sata-drive got recognised, chroot to
> new sata-drive, and finally install gentoo on it once again.
> Tedious work...

As someone already pointed out, boot using any other livecd that 
recognises the controller, then follow the usual gentoo install 
instructions, remembering to config kernel for your sata controller.

I had to do this to an Asus motherboard a little while back - yes it was 
frustrating at the time because initially I had no idea why my controller 
wasn't recognised.

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