On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 00:01:24 +0200, Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:

> > > Now you can mount /var remotely (portage compiles there and needs
> > > lots of space) - this way you need only the space for installed
> > > programs, not compiling and compile on other machine using distcc.  
> > 
> > portage can use any directory you like for its workspace, you don't
> > have to remote mount /var to achieve this. You could mount /var/tmp
> > over NFS, but setting PORTAGE_TMPDIR is less kludgy.   
> Well, seems on the same level for me, but that is only personal
> preference.

It's not the same at all. you are advocating mounting the whole of /var
on a networked filesystem, which could affect the performance of the
system as a whole.

> But the point with this one is - PORTAGE_TMPDIR (besides,
> isn't it PORTAGE_WORKDIR?)

No, it's PORTAGE_TMPDIR, check your make.conf.

> is gentoo specific, but you can do the
> mounting just anywhere.

The last time I looked, portage compiles were Gentoo-specific too. If you
want to change where portage uses for its workspace, it is much safer to
use the provided configuration settings than move the whole of a
system-critical directory to an unreliable medium.

Neil Bothwick

User-friendly: (adj.) trivialized, slow, incapable, and boring.

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