On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 12:07 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What is the average age of the gentoo user here?

well, since so many people replied, why not?...

I'm 28 (according to the histogram there are only 2 of us :) and using
Linux since Redhat 6.something (1997 ?) that I bought on the cover of a
magazine.  I started tinkering with computers (ie. games :) on the
Commodore 64 when around 10, and later a Vic-20 (both hand-me-downs from
generous uncles).  Starting "hacking" (ie. messing around) with the
software on a 486 DX 2/66 when I was 15, and quickly borked windows, for
which my mum took it back to the store before I could fix it ;)  No more
Duke Nukem!

Had a bit of a hiatus until an Apple IIe in 95, then "my" first computer
- a 300MHz Celeron with 8Mb video card, and a 3 Gb HD (more of anything
than I could ever need) in 97 (?).  It still runs (linux of course).
This has had redhat, fedora, (debian never got over it's cyclic
dependency problems).  After that was gentoo, since about... oh I don't
know, back when there were less than 60,000 files in an `emerge sync` :)
more than 3 years ago anyway.  Also tried out some *BSD because I had to
at work, but never liked it (I promise I didn't inhale :)

And I still know nothing!
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

To every Ph.D. there is an equal and opposite Ph.D.
                -- B. Duggan

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