Jerry McBride wrote:
> Hi Dale...
> Umm... where do you live? I'm in New Jersey... If you are state side, I'm 
> willing to burn a few Gentoo cd's or dvd's for you if you wish. Won't cost 
> you a dime.
> Just email me if you are interested.
> --
> Jerry McBride

Well, everything is good to go over here right now.  My hard drives are
only about 3 years old.  I do have a backup of portage and a snapshot on
some CDs.  I do this when a big upgrade like KDE comes out.  I also have
a UPS connected and a surge protector as well.  Short of me spilling tea
in my rig I should be OK.  I'm not going to say I am completely safe
though.  If I say that, I will find a hole in my plan.  :-(

I do see the OPs point though.  If I had to install and had no back-ups
at all, it would be tough.  I have the latest CD, 2006.1 I think, that
is available but look at all the updates that have come out since then. 
It would be a huge download and would take me over a week, if not
longer.  Plus, I can't connect to the net from the CD.

As to where I live, I live about half way between Columbus and West
Point MS.  I'm almost to the very end of the phone line and the big
telephone box is about 20 years old.  As a matter fact, when they last
replaced that box, we got off of party lines.  How's that for old?  They
were due to replace the box a couple years ago but hurricane Dennis and
Katrina hit the coast and all the phone people went south, as a
geographical direction, not a figure of speech.  That would have got us
DSL out here and I would have been on it with both feet, firmly. 

I do plan to get a DVD burner soon.  If I do that, I plan to do complete
backups then, the whole thing, not just a snapshot and distfiles.  If
you follow the myspace link below, you may understand why I have not
done so already.  My blog entries get a lot of reads.  Divorces can be
nasty.  May have a new blog entry in the next few days, waiting on the
call from a lawyer.

Thanks for the offer.  If something did happen, I do have a plan.  I
have not tested it but I certainly hope it will work if I have to test
it.  May keep that offer in mind though.  < Dale make a note of the
email address >  I would gladly pay the costs of the media and mailing
at least.  Paypal comes to mind to take care of that.  ;-)

Jeez, I hadn't had a offer to help like that in a while.  I thought I
was the only one that would do something like that.  Your name is
familiar too.  Where I know you from is unclear but we have spoke
before, some where.


:-)  :-)  :-)


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