
short question:
How can I list all the installed packages with their
version no.s which belong to the virtual 'system' ?

  emerge -pe system  ---> this is giving me the list of
            packages  which are latest in the portage.
             I want the same list  but what is actually

long story:

I had installed the 2006.1 release on an i686 system.
Few weeks later I just synced the portage (only)
using a snapshot. Now using quickpkg i want to
create the binary packages of 'system' and
install it on an underpowered system.

I got the following tip from this forum for that..

emerge -pe system|sed 's/\[ebuild  N    \] /=/g' > pkglist.out
cat pkglist.out | xargs quickpkg

But this fails because of the portage re-sync. Hence my question.

Also from the man page

      --emptytree (-e)
             Reinstalls  all world packages and their
             dependencies to the current USE specifi-
             cations while differing from the installed
             set of packages as little as possible.

What is the real meaning of the term empty tree here?
It is something more than including the dependencies ?


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