On 4/19/07, Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Chris....

Would you take the time and post what motherboard the Supermicro is plugged
into and whether you are running 32bit or 64bit Gentoo?

Thank you, in advance.


Jerry McBride
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Sure thing. :)

Mobo: Asus P4S800-MX

1x Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 (replaced 2x Promise SATA300TX4)
1x Promise SATA300TX4

The Supermicro is hooked into just a normal PCI slot, not PCI-X.  I'm
sure there is a performance hit but I can't notice it if there is.
The 8 drives hooked to it are hooked via 2 multilane cables to an
external enclosure.  The Promise is driving 4 drives in the server
itself.   This is the cable kit I bought 2 of:

Gentoo is installed on a small 20g drive (hda).

I'm running a 32bit Gentoo.  I upgraded from 2.6.17-r8 to 2.6.19-r5.
The reason was .19 had the Marvel SATA driver in it.  mv_sata or
sata_mv, I can't remember offhand the right way to type it.  I just
compiled (with genkernel) the Marvel driver into the kernel, and
booted up the box with the Supermicro installed and my Raid5 array on
those 8 disks was back up with no issue.   I originally built the
server with the 3 Promise cards in there.  when I found out about the
Supermicro card, I looked in my config for .17 and did off hand see a
Marvel driver but it was in the .19 one so I upgraded.

This frees up a PCI slot so I can put in a gigabit nic since the built
on nic is only 10/100.  :)

I know of others that are running uber raid servers with multiple of
those Supermicro cards installed in a system.  I know of at least 1
person on some boards I peruse that is running with 30 drives w/ 4 of
them in a box.   But I don't think he's running Gentoo. :(

Promise as a PCI-X card as well but it won't work in a normal PCI slot
like the Supermicro one will.  Plus the Promise card is more

# lspci
00:09.0 Mass storage controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC40718
(SATA 300 TX4) (rev 02)
00:0a.0 SCSI storage controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.
MV88SX6081 8-port SATA II PCI-X Controller (rev 09)

Hope this helps.
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