ยท Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Mick,
>> > emerge mail-client/mailx  
>> Thanks Neil, should I use mailx, or nail?  Is one a direct replacement
>> for the other?
> According to the nail web site
> " As of March 2006, nail has been integrated into the Heirloom project as
> mailx."
> So use mailx.

Hm, I don't know what the version numbers on 
http://packages.gentoo.org/search/?sstring=mailx mean
exactly, but I'd interprete as something
from 2005.

So: I differ. Install nail. 

Also, is Gentoo using stuff from the Heirloom Project?

Alexander Skwar
<jgoerzen> doogie: you sound highly unstable :-)
<Knghtbrd> jgoerzen - he is.
* doogie bops Knghtbrd
<Knghtbrd> see?  Resorting to violence =D

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