On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 14:29 +0200, Matthias Bethke wrote:

> Usually the collation order should be the same on the shell and in
> nautilus, right?

one would think so, but this isn't the case...

>  I think it's really some of what the Gnome folks think
> was clever in that case

yes and no - I understand "clever" if they sort, for example, 1.xxx,
2.xxx ... 9.xxx, 10.xxx; which previously has always been sorted 1.xxx,
10.xxx, 2.xxx ...; but I don't understand "clever" with regard to the
backwards-hexadecimal sorting.  Why does 'A' come before '1'?

> ---nautilus also completely ignores certain name
> prefixes like "+" and "_" I put there to have the entries sorted on top.
> Fortunately, Thunar does no such tricks.

well, thunar looks great - I just installed it hoping it would help my
hexadecimal files, but unfortunately it suffers from the same problem as
nautilus here.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

"How do I love thee?  My accumulator overflows."

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