On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 23:43 -0400, JD wrote:
> Thanks, Alex.  I had to run 'installer' from commandline.  Went with the
> recommended setup; got an Exception that the dialog says "this is a Bad
> Thing" ... 

Um, that's really no nice thing. You could try filing a bug or the like.
Better yet: search the forums and existing bugs, probably someone has
encountered similar issues. It is rather strange that the installer even
loads the GLcore... but yes, probably for showing off with the live CD.
I have never used it, but maybe you could read the manuals and try
disabling this. I don't know whether or not this is supported.

> I've done it twice, gotten to this point, and whether I choose
> 'yes' or 'no' to the prompt at this point, the system hangs, with no choice
> but to start over.  So, the stage 3 installer for 64 bit looks hosed.  I'm
> afraid its back to the Minimal CD and building the system again from
> scratch. 

You could still try to insert the Minimal CD in your current system,
then edit the xorg.conf. Or just proceed with the install with it,
although this could still leave your system in a strange state. Probably
--sync-ing and -DuvaN-ing world after adjusting make.conf could suffice
for the task. Re-emerging -Du xorg-server could also help.

>  I really hope the developer's can get this resolved... I was
> perfectly happy with stage1 and building from scratch back in the beginning.
> This 'helping to get a system up faster' just isn't working when it comes to
> gentoo...

Actually Minimal Install is using stage3 by now and that's the only
supported one. It's really quite unproblematic to get a working system
within not more than an hour (of your work) and a day's work (by the
computer ;) )

But then again, I'm afraid I'm totally unfamiliar with the graphical
installer and just guessing :).

Regards, Aleks

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aleksandar L. Dimitrov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:13 PM
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] new install - X fails
> On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 19:52 -0400, JD wrote:
> > Just got a D420 laptop and wanted to setup gentoo...
> > Booted from cd, got to the OpenGL start, and X fails ...
> > 
> > On looking at the details dialog, I find
> > Dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so: undefined symbol:
> > (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so
> > (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7)
> That means it was not able to find the GLcore module. Try locating it
> with
> $ locate libGLcore.so
> on my system its in /usr/lib. You could den update the modules path in
> xorg.conf or symlink (but the latter is no good idea)
> Unfortunately I have no idea which package it belongs to. (Xorg itself?)
> > 
> > In the X details dialog, other than the mouse error, and (what seems like)
> > all of the fonts being invalid (Info and Warnings)
> > The last line says:
> > (EE) No devices detected.
> > Fatal server error:
> > No screens found
> > 
> It just can't find a lot of fonts. Don't worry, they can be added later.
> A recent version of x.org should really behave well despite this. The
> "No Screens found" is the usual output xorg gives when it encounters one
> or more errors during start up.
> > The display (according to lspci) is Intel Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express.
> > 
> > Do I need to customize the xorg.conf file to get the install to work?
> > 
> You could just try commenting the line 'Load "GLcore"' in xorg.conf.
> That's just if you don't need GL-support for things like beryl.
> > 
> Regards, Aleks
> -- 
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