On Thursday 10 May 2007 22:36:41 Florian Philipp wrote:
> Maybe I should formulate another question: Where is the big difference
> between a binary ebuild and a binary rpm / deb and why is it so hard to
> convert them?

Gentoo is a source based distro. Usually in Gentoo binary packages are placed 
in /opt. Running revdep-rebuild to rebuild a binary package isn't going to do 
a thing. Sometimes paths need to be added to *PATH environment variables.

Sure the package managers could (at least paludis or pkgcore if anyone skilled 
enough would do the job) be made to support rpm's or debian packages but 
there would still be binary compatibility issues to tackle...

Also I don't really agree that creating an ebuild is so hard.

Hope that answers some of it..

Bo Andresen

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