I gave mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] the file. Because I am new in bugzulla and I was afraid to attach such a file to the bug data. I didn't see him do anything with the file nor did he come back to me about it. Do you think I should attach the file to the bug report?

Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:

On Friday 18 May 2007 20:58:31 David Harel wrote:
On my machine it is reproducible. I opened a bug:
Segfaulting wasn't exactly what I meant by reproducible.. ;) I was asking
about the /usr/local prefix which seems quite weird...

The bug report doesn't include any usable information. You need to
explain on the bug what you've done and you need to attach the complete
build log that I'm quite sure portage provides the location for.
Attached the log. Hope it's what you need. I am ashame to say I haven't
looked into it so I don't know if there is anything obvious I failed to
do. If that is the case, I apologize.

I don't need it. The bug report needs it. Together with an explanation of what you have done with your system. Without more information on it your bug report is useless.

Your system appears to be quite borked though. Apparently /dev is not populated properly, linux-headers appears to be missing and I have no idea what else might be broken. I'm inclined to just suggest `emerge -e system` or a complete reinstall unless someone else has a better suggestion.

In the future if you ever attach a log file like that on this mailing list again please compress it first (note: do not compress attachments on bugzilla though). Also please don't top post.


David Harel,


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