On Thursday 31 May 2007 20:05, Hans-Werner Hilse wrote:

> On Thu, 31 May 2007 19:28:09 +0100 Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Aha! We're getting somewhere.  There's no /home/mic specified in
> > /etc/passwd but /:
> >
> > mick:x:502:10::/:/bin/bash
> >
> > What do you make of this?!
> LART your admin :-) and be sure he/she corrects that to read the "real"
> homedir instead... (well, you could just use / as your home, but I
> guess your admin didn't give you rights to write stuff there...) All
> the details in "man 5 passwd".

LART him indeed (although I found out that it was the server owner and friend 
of mine that changed all these settings using webmin.  Aaarghh!)

I am grateful for your help.  After I changed the user home directory it's all 
working nicely.  :)

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