On 6/4/07, Dan Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 3 Jun 2007 17:16:52 -0700
"Kevin O'Gorman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From time to time my X server will lock up, usually but not always
> while I'm editing something in ooffice.  It's always something that's
> pretty heavily graphical.  When this happens, the only thing that
> still works on my desktop is mouse motion.  No clicks actually
> register, and even the three-finger salutes (BS and DEL) are feckless.
> However, I can SSH into the machine from elsewhere and pretty much do
> anything else I want.  I usually have to reboot the machine, because I
> haven't figured out how to restart X in gentoo.  I'm sure it's pretty
> simple, but I can't seem to find documentation on this particular
> thing and it's not like the usual init.d services.  Lots on startup, a
> bit on shutdown, but nothing I see is about restart.
> When this happens, sometimes X is using 100% of one of the CPU's, but
> I don't always check and haven't recently verified my impression that
> sometimes all CPU's are at an idle (I have 4 hyperthreads).
> Can somebody help me stop and restart X?  I'm using kdm for login.
Just find the offending process's id number and issue it a term signal.
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There's sometimes no obvious offending process.  Sending a term to X
doesn't always do much when this is going on.  I'll have to wait till
it happens again to be specific.

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD
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