
I'm trying to configure a cvs server following:

All config when fine but now, with teh server up and running, I get
this error when I do login:

lx-arnau lib #  CVSROOT=:pserver:user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/myrepos; export CVSROOT
lx-arnau lib # cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401/myrepos
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from localhost: cvs: 
unrecognized option `--allow-root=/myrepos'

looking for this errror in google I got :

which says that I must enable server use flag to prevent this error,
but this flag does not exist for cvs

For what I've read I should configure inetd/xinetd to prevent this
error, but I'm not configuring cvs trough inet/xinet ... (I suppose
that server use flag meant no inetd will be used)...
(from year 2003
http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-55659-highlight-cvs.html cvs with inetd)

My conf:
lx-arnau cvsd # grep -v "^#" /etc/cvsd/cvsd.conf|grep .
RootJail /var/lib/cvsd
Uid cvsd
Gid cvsd
Nice 1
Umask 027
Limit coredumpsize 0
PidFile /var/run/cvsd.pid
MaxConnections 0
Log syslog info
Log /var/log/cvsd/cvsd.log debug
Repos /myrepos

my user in /var/lib/cvsd/myrepos/CVSROOT/readers and writers

 # grep -v "^#" /var/lib/cvsd/myrepos/CVSROOT/config|grep .

some server logs:
cvsd: version 1.0.7 starting
cvsd: debug: binding 2401 family=2 socktype=1 protocol=6
cvsd: listening on 2401
cvsd: debug: binding :: 2401 family=10 socktype=1 protocol=6
cvsd: debug: socket() failed (ignored): Address family not supported by protocol
cvsd: debug: chroot(/var/lib/cvsd) done
cvsd: debug: nice(1) done
cvsd: debug: setgroups(0,NULL) done
cvsd: debug: setgid(1005) done
cvsd: debug: setuid(105) done
cvsd: debug: cvs command to execute: '/bin/cvs -f --allow-root=/myrepos pserver'
cvsd: accepting connections
cvsd: connection from 57215
cvsd: debug: limit coredumpsize to 0(soft) and 0(hard)
cvsd: debug: fork() succeeded (child pid=1839)
cvsd: debug: select() failed (ignored): Interrupted system call
cvsd: cvs command exited with exit-status 1
cvsd: debug: select() failed (ignored): Interrupted system call

anyone could help to find source of problem?

Arnau Bria
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity
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