On Samstag, 9. Juni 2007, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> On Friday 08 June 2007, "Hemmann, Volker Armin"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: [gentoo-user]

> > The slowest boot of all
> > times?
> My Gentoo boots more slowly, but that's probably related to the large delay
> mounting a 3TiB reiserfs.  Ubuntu can also be very quick to boot *if* all
> files read on startup fit into system ram throughout the startup sequence,
> on my laptop this isn't the case, so my booting is somewhat delayed.

I have several boot cds. And none of them booted as slow as kubuntu 7.04.

yeah, reiserfs mounts slowly with really big drives - wasn't there a patch 
added recently to speed it up?

> > A braindead installer?
> How exactly is it braindead? 

like 'there is a freshly formated partition, but you have to format it again, 
because me, the mighty installer says so'?

> > Yes, there is something to learn from the ubuntus. Like: don't make
> > their mistakes.
> Their "mistakes" made them the most popular linux distribution in a
> incredibly small amount of time.  Their "mistakes" continue to drive user
> and developers toward the project in flocks.  Their "mistakes" lead to
> Dell shipping home systems with Ubuntu pre-installed.

nope,  what made them the 'most popular distribution' was the fact that they 
were hyped even before they released the first version. There have been other 
easy-to-use distos before and after ubuntu - and I am sure most of them would 
overtake ubuntu, if they would be hyped the same way.

> I love Gentoo.  I love Debian.  I still think Ubuntu does some things
> better and some things worse.  On my laptop, I'd prefer not to configure
> anything -- and Ubuntu provides a usable system with no hassles.  Servers
> @ work -- Debian.  Desktop @ home -- Gentoo.  I don't think I'd change any
> of them.

I don't love debian - it is just a distribution -  and I am annoyed by hype. 
Any kind of hype. I remember very well the hype around Mandrake (I got almost 
insane, when I tried it. Lots and lots of sugarly cute graphics and colours 
and no obvious way to turn it off...), I have seen the smaller hype around 
lindows, I luckily joined gentoo before the hype and I have seen ubuntu 
beeing hyped and reported as the 'bestest' distribution of all time, before 
they even released anything.

> > Or: there is a difference between userfriendly and made
> > for idiots.
> Ubuntu being neither. ;)

from my POV (you are free to see it differently) ubuntu is not userfriendly, 
it is idiot friendly. Some people might think, that I am an idiot, so I 
should shut up and be happy, but for me, ubuntu sucks. 

Everybody is entitled to have an opinion. I don't like ubuntu. If you like it, 
good for you. I won't stop you using it or belittle you for that. Everybody 
uses the distro that fits his needs - that is the great thing about choice. 
But for me, *buntu does not fit,
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