On Thursday 14 June 2007, Sartorelli, Jason wrote:
> Hi there,
> This is possibly already answered elsewhere, however I've trolled
> through google to no avail. I've upgraded my work machine from a
> Windows 2000 machine to Gentoo (running on a Dell GX520) with VMware
> running XP, Vista, 2000.
> Most things run fine, but unfortunately I've had a few problems with
> things such as Active X pages (i.e. Cisco Call Manager, Infra, etc).
> I've tried using wine (version 0.9.29) and installing IE however I
> couldn't find the full installer and we use a proxy here (the
> installer craps out when trying to set it up within the installer) So
> I installed ieslinux and tried that - it seems to work and lets me
> load some pages however they don't all load correctly... infect the
> majority don't... So I unmasked wine with the x86 keyword and tried
> both options again with the same results for the first option and
> ieslinux getting to the same place and stopping (but with text
> visibility bugs) and so I've now reverted back to wine 0.9.29 and am
> officially stuck. Firefox doesn't seem to support Active X at all,
> however there was a plugin for v1.5 which I tried and didn't have any
> luck with.

0.9.29 is 9 months old now, you want something more recent
0.9.38 is the most recent but it has font problems, so unmask wine, but 
do mask out the specific version 0.9.38
To get IE working and be installable, use ies4linux
To get lots of other stuff working, use winetricks by Dan Kegel (google 
will find the script for you)

Warning: if you use either of these hack solutions, don't ask for 
support on the wine lists. You'll probably get better help here


Optimists say the glass is half full,
Pessimists say the glass is half empty,
Developers say wtf is the glass twice as big as it needs to be?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five
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