On Friday 15 June 2007, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> I mean, what's the advantage of the kde*-meta packages over the kde
> package, when the kde*-meta require just as much "junk", as the
> kde package does? Hm, really, what's the use of the kde*-meta package
> anyway?

The -meta packages are a good idea. With the old style kde or kdepim etc 
packages, you got everything whether you liked it or not. Putting a USE 
flag on such an ebuild to build all of kdepim except kppp would be ... 
tricky at best.

The -meta packages split everything in kde up on an app level, but there 
is the disadvantage that you now have 300 ebuilds to choose from and 
get to list *all* the ones you want.

Perhaps the best route (maybe a good feature request?) is to put USE 
flags in the -meta ebuilds. Then you get the full configurability of 
what -meta gives, plus an easy way to omit stuff without having to list 
>100 desired packages


Optimists say the glass is half full,
Pessimists say the glass is half empty,
Developers say wtf is the glass twice as big as it needs to be?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
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