On Tuesday 19 June 2007 01:12:56 dexter wrote:
> Did all these - none helped.
> I've tracked the problem to a missing file during compilation, if I
> run the last working line manually, or I try to do ./configure
> manually, the command ends saying that it is missing a libqt-mt.so.3
> Could it be an bug ?
> I'm still unable to emerge kdesktop or kde or anything that requires
> qt-3 compilation

Do *NOT* post html to this list. I've refrained from answering this thread 
till now because your original mail didn't contain enough context to include 
the real error message. But since the thread is still alive... Thus far 
you've provided almost no usefull information whatsoever so on this basis 
it's impossible to say if it's a bug.. As Dale showed you libqt-mt.so.3 
belongs to qt which is pretty useless since that's the package you're trying 
to compile.. ;)

Soooo.. you need to show us more context. It must include the actual error 
message and at least 5-10 lines above that...

Bo Andresen

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