Thanks for the tip. Turns out it was the newer i810 video driver, which also 
breaks dual monitor output. I downgraded back to 1.7.4 and normal operation 
is resumed. 

Would this be considered a reportable bug in the video driver?

- Noven

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 19:24:02 Marc Blumentritt wrote:
> Novensiles divi Flamen schrieb:
> > Since syncing the night before last beryl is no longer diplaying
> > properly. I get the desktop, I get the cube, and I get window decorations
> > on programs. But most programs display absolutely nothing inside the
> > window decorations, and a few other programs (ie kppp) show a solid box
> > but no buttons or input visible. Anyone else having similar issues?
> Have a look in your elog files of your last update. I got a similiar
> problem a few weeks before. I had to reemerge one programm (can't
> remember which) to get beryl working properly. The program was metioned
> in the elog files.
> Hope it helps.
> Marc

>-- Novensiles divi Flamen --<
>---- Miles Militis Fons ----<
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