Galevsky wrote:
> Thank you Dan, but I did it before, and boot.log remains empty. In
> fact, the new kernel boot turns on like grub couldn't find the kernel
> image....
> < SNIP >
> and my grub.conf:
> ### START (grub.conf)
> sd-4421 boot # cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
> # Customized boot procedure
> default 0
> timeout 1
> #fallback 1 2
> title Gentoo Linux 2.6.16-gentoo_xen_dom0
>  root (hd0,0)
>  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen ro root=/dev/sda2
> title Gentoo Linux 2.6.20-r8
>  root (hd0,0)
>  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-gentoo-r8 ro root=/dev/sda2
> title Gentoo Linux 2.6.18-r4-dedibox_r6_final
>  root (hd0,0)
>  kernel /boot/ref/2.6.18-gentoo-r4dedibox_r6_final ro root=/dev/sda2
> ### END (grub.conf)
> Well, let's try a boot on kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen
> => box not responding..... and via the rescue system:
> # ls /mnt/sda2/var/log/
> portage   user.log  xen
> # more  /mnt/sda2/var/log/user.log
> Jul  6 00:12:30 sd-4421 shutdown[4571]: shutting down for system reboot
> thus no log at all (xen log also empty).
> Gal'

This is my grub.conf entry:

> title Gentoo new kernel
> kernel (hd0,0)/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-3 root=/dev/hda6 ide0=ata66
> ide1=ata66 vga=788
Note the missing /boot before the kernel?  If you have /boot on a
separate partition, you need to remove the /boot and make it read
something like kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.20-gentoo-r8 ro root=/dev/sda2  Keep
in mind, the root partition is not mounted when it loads the kernel. 
That is mounted later.

I hope that helps.


:-)  :-)
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